jueves, 19 de mayo de 2016

3rd term

I have been helping my classmates Itsaso and Miren, they told me to translate part of their work apart from doing the guide. I have also been filming The Green Puchu's videos.

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Europe picture

Europe is money´s slave, an economic union of countries to be able to keep his power all over the world, to continue controling money without knowing that money controls them. Europe gives a lot of importance to  a piece of paper or a piece of metal but is it really that what we should value?

lunes, 25 de abril de 2016


My work was to do the guide. It was not very difficult. I took the links that all my classmates had found an put them together. Then, I checked all the links and I classified them to make easier finding the information you need. When  I needed another piece of information about any other subject, I asked the students that were missing the day that we were working on the links, so that they could colaborate too. We didn't have a lot of problems to find the information, but the internet was not working very well so we had to call the teacher to sort the problem. Finally, we got all we needed.
Mi trabajo era hacer la guía. No fue muy difícil. Cogí los links que todos mis compañeros habían encontrado y los junté. Luego, miré todos los links y los clasifiqué para que fuera más fácil encontrar la información que se necesitaba. Cuando me hacía falta más información sobre otro tema concreto, les pedí a los compañeros que no estaban el día que estuvimos buscando información, para que ellos también pudieran colaborar. No tuvimos muchos problemas para encontrar la información, pero el internet no iba muy bien asi que tuvimos que llamar al profesor para que solucionara el problema. Finalmente, conseguimos todo lo que necesitábamos.
Nire lana gida egitea zen. Ez zen oso zaila izan. Nire kideek aurkitutako link guztiak elkartu nituen. Ondoren, behar den informazioa aurkitzea errazagoa izateko, link guztiak begiratu eta sailkatu nituen. Beste gai bati buruzko informazio gehiago behar nuenean, informazioa bilatzen egon ginen egunean egon ez zirenei eskatu nien beste zerbait bilatzeko, denok parte hartu zezaten. Ez genuen arazo handirik izan informazioa aurkitzerakoan, baina interneta ez zebilen oso ondo eta irakaslea deitu behar izan genuen arazoa konpondu zezan. Azkenean, behar genuen guztia lortu genuen.
Here you can see the guide / Aquí puedes ver la guía / Hemen ikusi dezakezu gida: http://olatziras.blogspot.com.es/2016/04/guide_14.html

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016


Here there are some links about the climate change:
  • Gerenal information / Informacion general / Informazio orokorra:
  • Causes / Causas / Kausak:
  • Effecs / Efectos / Ondorioak:
  • Europe / Europa:


  • How to avoid it / Como evitarlo / Nola saihestu:
  • COP21:
  • Organisations / Organizaciones / Erakundeak:
  • News / Noticias / Berriak:
  • Videos / Bideoak:

  • The green puchu:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thegreenpuchu/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsPf3oRMbfDcwdEc1ZcmaXQ

jueves, 10 de marzo de 2016

Global warming

Here you can see some links with information about this issue:
Climate change impacts in Europe
The effects of global warming

3rd term expectancy

On this term we'll be working on a project about the global warming and the climate change. Until now we have been working on small goups but this is a big project, we'll be working all the class together and we'll do the best work ever!
On the second term we have learnt a lot of things about medical issues and i expect to learn a lot of global warming to, so that I can help to reduce the climte change and show you how to do it too.

jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

Stop war

First of all, a war is an armed conflict or fighting between nations. Nowadays wars are a huge problem, in those conflicts a lot of people die and the others try to scape risking their life (you can see some pictures of the Syrian refugees here).
A lot of people suffer the consecuences of wars because some people who wanted power started a fight to conquer everything that they could and create a huge empire. This is what happens when people just care about themselves an don't think about the others or the consecuences. I think it's really unfair to conquer a country, take all that you can and then leave and let that country empty handed.
Wars are a huge problem caused by humanity and it has no good sides, so why does this problem still exist? Hoe could we make it stop? 
I think is nearly impossible but we should try hard because a war without wars will be worth all the effort and sacrifice. We should try to educate children, show them that violence is not the solution to the problems. This won't be useful at all if parents act violently in front of their children and make them think that violence is not bad. Changing the world is in our hand and we should do our best to live in a better world.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2016

Germany against refugees

In Germany, people burnt shelters for refugees. When it was announced that Germany would take some refugees in, some people that was against them burt a lot of shelters.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016